5 Interesting Questions about Job and Salary

What you need to know before you get a new job

Dener Moreira
4 min readDec 14, 2020

Everybody wants to earn more and have a good job where it sounds like a hobby. Many people like me, search on google or wahtsoever the searcher website, the best place to work at, or the best place to have a higher salary. And, what if this place is your home ?

I worked in the dataset Stack Overflow’s 2017 Developer Survey, it has 19102 lines and 154 columns with lots of questions answered by programmers or people who work with technology, and I filtered some of the columns to answer some questions andbrought the results here.

A preview of dataset

1 — Which countries have better salaries ?

One of the metrics to assess whether a country has a good life quality or not is the HDI (Human Development Index), and a fair statiscal metric to see if a country has a good salary or not is through the average salary. From that, I filtered the 10 highest average salary.

10 highest salary mean

And after that, I filtered only the countries that appeared 100 times or more in the dataset, and built this horizontal graph bar, showing the highest average salary. You can see that these countries have a higher HDI as well.

Below are the 5 countries with the highest average salary.

5 countries with better salaries

2 — Which gender has the highest salary ?

In this dataset, there are 20 differents kinds of genders, but to facilitate the analyzes process, I used the 3 most commom genders in this case: male, female and transgender. However in a further analyzes, I saw that transgender gender had a too many missing values for the salary column, so I decided to drop this gender and work with only Male and Female.

And again, I brought the same metric to measure the salary: mean.

Although many people think that women’s wage is lower than the male’s (in some cases it really is), in this dataset I did’nt notice this difference, at least for these programmers employees, the average salary seems to be very close to each one, as you can see below.

The highest average wage (Green)

3 — Do those who work from home earn more than those who don’t ?

What would you bet ? Yes or No? Can you think in any relationship between work remotely and earn more ?

And indeed, there’s no relationship between these two variables, maybe work remotely or not it’s more a people’s choice, it’s not about earn more or not.

4 — Do the larger companies have more employees who earn more ?

For this question I have a guess. Which kind of company do you think has more profit ? Regardless if the company is good or not, or if it’s been opened for while, I’d guess the big companies have a profit higher than the others, and the consequence of it it’s the employees earning more.

So after I analyze the data, I can conclude that if want to work in a bigger company than you work now, you will probably have a higher wage, although that difference it’s not that so significant.

Average salary for differents Companies Size

5 — What race has the highest salary ?

We are living in a difficult time to talk about gender and prejudice, and the answer for this question will not cover or talk about what’s going on in nowadays. My goal was to analyze the data and bring here the insights that I have seem.

In this dataset, we have 59 differents answer for the gender, and I picked up the 3 most commons ones, below you can see them, and how many times they showed up in the dataset:

White or of European descent: 15838
South Asian: 844
East Asian: 533

In this graph you can see that there’s a little difference between the average salary from the White or European descent to East Asian, but the difference increases when compared to people from South Asian.

Average wage for different races

My guess is because most of these people who have highest salary are from those countries that has a better HDI that we talked before.


It’s a hard job to find out what variables are correlated to the fact of having a higher salary. But I can make sure that if you live in a country that has a nice HDI, and work in a big company, you are probably earning more money than many people around the world.

I hope you like to read my post.

GitHub: https://github.com/DenerBEM/Udacity-CRISP

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dener-moreira/

